Specialist knowledge, in-house laboratory, databases for rapid veterinary diagnostics

Laboratory Diagnostics

The basis for vaccine development is the identification of relevant pathogens, which we isolate from samples of diseased animals. To do this, we use special cultivation and enrichment methods to create cultures for each pathogen species, which are tested using MALDI-TOF, serology and molecular biological methods. As stock-specific vaccines are always inactivated, we use special adjuvants during production. These adjuvants are selected on a stock-specific basis, i.e. depending on the type of bacteria and viruses, the animal species and the type of livestock farming. It usually only takes a few weeks from sample collection to vaccination.

Schematische Darstellung der Herstellung bestandspezifischer Impfstoffe in einzelnen Schritten. Dazu gehören in chronologischer Reihenfolge: Probeentnahme, Identifizierung und Isolierung des Erregers mittles Labordiagnostik, Vermehrung des Erregers, Inaktivierung des Erregers, Adjuvanzien hinzufügen, Abfüllung und Sterilisation, Qualitätskontrolle und schließlich die Impfung.

High quality standards

The production standards for stock-specific vaccines will increase significantly over the next few years as a result of new EU directives. We work closely in accordance with GMP guidelines (Good Manufacturing Practice) and have the corresponding manufacturing authorization. With our scientifically trained team and our interdisciplinary contacts in numerous research institutions, we stand for responsible and precise work.